Agribusiness is an important sector of the Bulgarian economy that has been growing for many years now. Since 2008, the sector has been an important component of the product portfolio of Eurosped, and we have been managing the supply chain for importers, producers, and distributors from this sector since then. This includes the storing, transportation, value-added and other services for crop protection chemicals and seeds for field crops and vegetables.
The warehousing facilities of Eurosped in the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Ruse, Belgrade, and Bucharest are certified in accordance with the requirements of the Seveso III Directive, and they have been assessed by the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) for quality, safety, security, and environmental performance by means of the SQAS system.
For the storage of seeds, we possess specialized premises with controlled temperature and humidity, thus making sure their germination and quality will be preserved for the longest time possible in order to contribute to better crop yields.
We transport these sensitive products using vehicles and drivers who have been specially trained to handle them and holding all the required certificates according to the ADR Agreement.
Because of the high value of the goods which we handle and based on our mission to provide security and safety within the supply chain, we, at Eurosped, have surpassed the statutory requirements with regard to the storage, handling, and transportation of crop protection chemicals and seeds.
Customer Service Hours:
Monday to Friday – 09:00 h – 18:00 h
1592 Sofia / Аirport
56 Christopher Columbus blvd.
t: +359 2 9199 178
f:+359 2 9199 378