In the field of electronics, Eurosped serves the logistics needs of a number of importers an manufacturers of electronic components, TV and Internet equipment, equipment for casinos, fiscal cash registers, medical equipment, and others.
Due to the high value of the electronic devices and components and due to their origin from countries outside the European Union, at Eurosped we make available the opportunity for deferred payment of the customs duties and the VAT, having at our disposal type 1 public customs-bonded warehouses for the storing of goods for unlimited periods of time, as well as temporary warehouses under customs control for the storing of goods for up to 90 days.
For faster customs processing of the goods at the Eurosped office in the city of Sofia, we have opened a distant working point at the Sofia Airport Customs. Thus, you can rest assured that your shipments will always take off, arrive, or depart in containers and airplanes or trucks on time.
Customer Service Hours:
Monday to Friday – 09:00 h – 18:00 h
1592 Sofia / Аirport
56 Christopher Columbus blvd.
t: +359 2 9199 178
f:+359 2 9199 378
е: logistics@eurosped.bg