Customs services


Customs representation:

  • Preparation of customs and transport documents
  • Specialized customs clearance at our own premises by an individual customs officer from Sofia Airport Customs Office
  • Import/export customs processing at an airport/seaport
  • Transportation in transit mode under customs control to the import customs-house by air or by road
  • Change of ownership

Митнически услуги

Customs warehousing:

  • Customs-bonded warehousing (type 1 public warehouse in Sofia) with a 400,000 BGN bank guarantee covering customs liabilities of more than 2,500,000 BGN
  • Licensed temporary warehouses under customs control in the cities of Sofia and Stara Zagora for the storing of goods for up to 90 calendar days

Митническо складиране

Customs transit operations with a reference amount of the security (a bank guarantee for the securing of the customs duties and taxes) amounting to 1,000,000 BGN.